

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Get Ready For Christmas at Crafting by Designs

Hi everyone. Autumn seems to be arriving here in East Yorkshire. The nights are drawing in and the weather has turned cloudy with drizzle.
I'm here with another quick post to tell you about the new challenge at Crafting by DesignsThis week it's Get Ready For Christmas. If you've been joining in with the Christmas challenges you should have a lovely pile of Christmas cards all ready, but if not, why not start making your cards now by joining in with the challenge now.
The wonderfully generous sponsor for this challenge is......
Prize - $15 gift certificate to the Lunagirl store.
They have gorgeous images to print out for your cards so do go and have a look at their fabulous site.
Right, I'm off to the craft room to get a little crafting done. I hope you're all having a great week. See you soon.
Debra x


  1. Hi Debra, hope taht all it's ok for you! Even in Italy the Autumn seems arriving, but not too fast. The sun and the clouds are quarreling for governing the sky, but there isn't yet a winner, at this moment. :D

  2. Fall has certainly arrived in the northwest, leaves are falling and it is raining.

    Hugs Diane


Thank you so much for visiting and leaving me a comment. I really appreciate you taking the time.

Debra x